Sailor Moon

This happened to be the fandom I found content of first on my computer so here we go!

Fish's Eye

Fish's Eye is such an interesting character to me. He's not the first queer character on the show, but they do some fun things with his arc. There's probably something to be said about all the gay men in Sailor Moon being villains, but hey, at least the gay men get redemption arcs instead of being burned alive or trapped in an eternal void.

Sort of. The other gay men do die. BUT I DIGRESS

Fish's Eye's cohorts do call his behavior out as strange, but it's not the end of the world. In fact, once Fish's Eye pretties himself up to lure in an unsuspecting victim, his cohorts are unable to suppress their own attraction.

Fish's Eye cross-dresses! And when he does, he's quite beautiful! Many characters comment on his ethereal beauty.

When Fish's Eye reveals his disguise to the humans, no one is horrified or disgusted. In fact, the only thing anyone has to say about it is

Then, at the end of this arc, it is Fish's Eye who is given the first shot at redemption. In the end, it is his sensitivity and depth of feeling, two very feminine traits, that grant him this opportunity. And deliver him from death by Moon Stick.